Explore the flight and rescue of the Jews in Denmark.
A story of heroism, civil activism, solidarity, and inspiring personal choices!

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Denmark and the Jews
over the years
The "Viking Jews"
How did Jews arrive in Denmark? Is their story unique compared with other European Jewish communities?
Watch the following video about the history of the Danish Jews. Try to identify what ideas and values were in play.
Voices in the Void
In the summer of 1943, an order was issued to gather and deport the Jews of Denmark. However, the Danes chose to resist! They refused to collaborate with the deportation of thousands of Denmark’s Jewish citizens and Jewish immigrants.
This decision and its implications are described in the animated film "Voices in the Void", produced by 'Humanity in Action'. The film tells the story of the young boy Bent Melchior, who would go on to become Denmark’s Chief Rabbi.
The rescue story as a beacon for the future
Bent Melchior dedicated his life to share the values that he felt were revealed during the rescue, a legacy continued by his son and grandson, Michael and Yair Melchior.
What lessons can be taken from the Danish Jews' rescue?
Let your voice be heard!
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On the Padlet site, comment on a post that you can relate to,
and share one value you would apply to our lives today.

"I think the moral is that you have to listen to your conscience. If you feel that there is something to do, don't say: 'well, let others'. Do it yourself. Make the difference". Rabbi Bent Melchior